More security, more trust.
Audit Industry, Services, Institutions
More security, more trust: Audit services for national and international business clients
Audit Financial Services
More security, more trust: Audit services for banks and other financial companies
Competent advice on all national and international tax issues.
Corporate Tax
National and international tax consulting and planning
Individual Tax
Individual Tax
Indirect Tax/VAT
Our services in the area of value-added tax
Transfer Pricing
Our transfer pricing services.
M&A Tax
Advice throughout the transaction and deal cycle
Tax Financial Services
Our tax services for financial service providers.
Good advice makes things easier.
Advisory IT & Digitalisation
Generating security with IT.
Forensic Services
Nowadays, the investigation of criminal offences in companies increasingly involves digital data and entire IT systems.
Regulatory & Compliance Financial Services
Advisory services in financial market law and sustainable finance.
Mergers & Acquisitions / Transaction Services
Successfully handling transactions with good advice.
Legal Services
Experts in commercial law.
Trust Services
We are there for you.
Business Risk Services
Sustainable growth for your company.
IFRS Services
Die Rechnungslegung nach den International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) und die Finanzberichterstattung stehen ständig vor neuen Herausforderungen durch Gesetzgeber, Regulierungsbehörden und Gremien. Einige IFRS-Rechnungslegungsthemen sind so komplex, dass sie generell schwer zu handhaben sind.
External services that free up space for what is really important.
Grant Thornton Switzerland Liechtenstein has been an official sales partner of Abacus Business Software since 2020.
Accounting Services
We keep accounts for you.
Payroll Services
Leave your payroll accounting to us.
Real Estate Management
Leave the management of your real estate to us.
With our unique culture and opportunities, our organisation is a place where you can grow. Wherever you are in your career, we help you to make a difference...
With us you will find a dynamic environment that supports your further growth and ambitions.
Launch your career with us!
Career with an apprenticeship?!
Job offers for experienced professionals.
Our treatment of your data and your rights
Information pursuant to Article 13 of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Liechtenstein...
- Jörg Fischer left Grant Thornton
- Keeping track of the tax changes for internationally mobile employees
- European M&A activity 2016
- Liechtenstein tax highlights
- FinTech Conference 2017
- Developments in data protection law
- Scope of the EU GDPR for cryptocurrencies
- Transfer Pricing CH/FL
- Tightening of tax rules for Liechtenstein companies planned
- Seeing the big strategic picture
- Transfer pricing guide 2018
- Legal Tech: New developments in the legal advisory market
- Statutory audit: Due diligence duties (AIA and FATCA)
- Reclaim of Swiss withholding tax from Liechtenstein
- Future Masters 2018
- Streamlining Distance Selling Supply Chain for Swiss Market
- Taxing the digital economy
- New CEO as of 2019
- International indirect tax guide
- Video identification – the future of client onboarding?
- Takeover of Baker Tilly Spiess SA in Geneva
- New tax deductions for house owners
- Grant Thornton has a new home in the heart of Zurich
- Retirement planning
- Direct to indirect taxation
- Fintech_2019
- Start-ups: What to consider
- US tax reform one year in
- Finance Forum Liechtenstein 2019
- Crypto-assets – Digital assets
- Tax Alert: Electronic and Telecommunication Services
- European economic outlook
- Corporate Tax Reform
- 361° IT Assessment
- The future of leadership
- Internal audit hot topics
- § 165 (5) StGB: Substance for tax purposes
- Taxing the digital economy
- Future Masters 2019
- Say goodbye to the arm’s length principle
- Termination of an indefinite individual employment contract
- New legal obligations for domestic legal entities
- Swiss Audit Championship 2019
- Gold sponsor of FinTech Liechtenstein 2019
- Electronic Filing of VAT Returns New Standard
- The «Business Risk Analyst»
- A no-deal Brexit
- New financial market law
- Taxation in real-time - Gearing up for blockchain
- President signs sweeping tax bill into law
- Tax transparency - Steering through the new world
- New rules regarding transfer prices in Liechtenstein
- Finance Forum 2018
- Offsetting foreign withholding taxes in Liechtenstein
- Company Brochure
- Cross-border E-Commerce
- Developments in AEOI and FATCA Auditing 2019
- Sponsor of the GABV Annual Meeting 2020
- Interview with CEO Erich Bucher
- Holistic tax planning with commercial real estate
- Coronavirus - Labor law questions
- Corona virus - information for companies and employer
- Accounting implications of the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Waiver of late interest on overdue tax payments
- The Resilience Wheel
- Checklist for legal entities
- IT risks in times of Covid-19
- COVID-19: Financial Reporting and Disclosures
- Reporting the impact of COVID-19 on your business
- LI: Tightening of the equity capital interest deduction
- 2020 deferred tax provision
- Onshoring in Liechtenstein
- Tax breaks for R&D
- Company acquisitions and sales during the crisis
- Interview with Dr. Shqiponja Isufi
- New financial market law: first experiences
- Cyber health check 2020
- New perspectives with ABACUS
- Aviation: navigating the impact of COVID-19
- COVID-19 accounting considerations for CFOs
- COVID-19 accounting considerations for CFOs
- Amendment to the law on companies limited by shares
- Modern risk management
- Equal pay - change of law from 1.7.2020
- COVID-19: effects on the taxation of cross-border commuters
- AbaClik Facility – Overview of the packages
- COVID-19: Accounting implications for CFOs
- Revision of the withholding tax law
- The auditor's job description in constant change
- Tax «spring cleaning» for holdings and asset structures
- The challenge of taxing digital business
- Reporting obligations and the abolition of bearer shares
- Change in Liechtenstein tax law
- CISA, FinSA and FinIA – a further assessment of the new legal situation
- Outsourcing IT security
- Start-ups: The flexible way to success
- OECD Minimum taxation - Implementation in Switzerland
- Public Vote decides against Abolition of Issuance Stamp Tax
- The new working world of the pandemic
- Tax pitfalls of employee share schemes in Liechtenstein
- Expansion of our Schaan offices
- Challenges in auditing cryptocurrencies
- Real estate gains tax on privately held properties in Liechtenstein
- Implementation of Risk Management & Compliance for Asset Managers and Trustees
- Our services
- Regulierungskosten clever minimieren
- Expense-Based Taxation Regime in Liechtenstein
- Voluntary disclosure in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
- Liechtenstein Tax System and Planning Opportunities
- Regulierungskosten clever minimieren
- Are businesses seeing the impact of the OECD BEPS tax plan?
- Is blockchain right for your business?
- Automatic Exchange of Information
- Liechtensteiner Investitionsmarkt
- BEPS goes global and local
- Corporate Tax Reform III
- Exchange of Tax Rulings
- Corporate Tax Reform III - postponed
- Revised Expatriate Ordinance
- Grant Thornton corporate governance report 2016
- Tax aviodance June 2016
- Regulierungskosten clever minimieren
- Brexit: Planning the future, shaping the debate
- Liechtenstein muss strategisch aufwachen
- A seller's market set to continue after a big year for M&A
- VAT Update May 2016
- DBA: Eine genaue Analyse lohnt sich
- DBA: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
- BEPS Maßnahmenplan
- Financial Markets Tax Expertise
- MWST Health Check
- VAT Health Check
- Swiss VAT registration for non-established business
- Overview of the Swiss LLC / GmbH
- Overview of the Swiss Ltd. / AG
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Company Limited by Shares
- Overview of the Liechtenstein trust
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Foundation / „Stiftung“
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Establishment / ”Anstalt”
- Swiss Tax System and Planning Opportunities
- Inhaberaktien
- Tax International indirect tax guide
- Tax Multijurisdictional Tax Reporting for Fund
- Lump-Sum Taxation Regime for Individuals in Switzerland
- Transfer Pricing Expertise
- Verrechnungspreise
- Neues DBA stärkt Wirtschaftsregion
- Tax Alert, February 2015
- Sozialleistungen
- Fallstudie
- Record global revenues
- Mandatory VAT Registration for Non-Established Businesses
- Getting up to speed with VAT/GST in emerging markets
- Switzerland: Onshore corporate mobile income functions
- VAT regristration for non-established businesses
- Risks in cross-border transactions
- Social insurance law traps when terminating employment
- Change of Swiss VAT rates as from 1 January 2018
- In the focus: CbCR in Switzerland
- Michael Rupp appointed new Head of Tax Liechtenstein/Eastern Switzerland
- New Head of Corporate Tax in Geneva/Lausanne
- New management board member at Grant Thornton Switzerland/Liechtenstein
- Peter Bodin named Global CEO-elect of Grant Thornton
- New advisory service: Business Risk Services
- New head of the “Audit Industries” department
- Customer information
- Christopher Oehri to join the IT/Digitalisation team
- Grant Thornton - Top 50 Global Employers
- Employer of the Year by IAB
- Grant Thornton - Insight Search
- Cross-border e-commerce: Tax-efficient and customer-friendly delivery process to Switzerland
- FinIA and FinSa
- The corona vaccination from a labor law perspective
- Equal pay – an analysis of the situation as of the end of June 2021
- Value added tax as an additional instrument for optimised liquidity planning
- Crediting of withholding taxes with fund shares
- Entitlement to and documentation of the import VAT deduction in the VAT return
- Improvements to the notification procedure for Swiss withholding taxes
- Increase of Swiss VAT rates as from 2024
- New lump-sum rate for private use of business vehicles as from 1 January 2022
- Corporate Law Reform as of 1st January 2023
- Withholding tax improvements for Liechtenstein/Swiss structures as of 2023
- The EU Whistleblower Directive – are Swiss companies also required to act?
- Increase in maximum pillar 3a deductions in the 2023 tax year
- Digital Workplace
- Digital product design
- Amendments to the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA)
- Tax relief under new commercial law
- Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF) – More than meets the eye
- New Qualified Intermediary Agreement
- Tax-recognised interest rates for advances or loans 2023
- The revision of the Federal Act on Data Protection
- Obligation to notify or obtain prior authorisation in the event of a change of facts
- Tax consequences of profit adjustments in cross-border group relationships
- Education and training Compliance
- Increased transparency: Central register for the identification of beneficial owners
- Repayment of non-disclosed capital contributions – tax treatment for income tax purposes
- Increased efficiency and flexibility with RelativityOne
- New Data Protection Act as of 1 September 2023
- De minimis portfolio managers under FinIA
- Swiss voters approve OECD minimum tax/Pillar Two concept to embed into fiscal regulations
- e-Portal for VAT returns mandatory as of 1 January 2024
- Notional interest deduction on equity - Tax opportunities
- Révision informatique et analyse des données pour les contrôle cantonal des finances
- Compliance Background Check
- Compliance risks due to national and international sanctions
- Total Revision of the Ordinance on Asset Management within the Framework of a Guardianship or Conservatorship (VBVV)
- Money Laundering Risk Analysis 2.0
- Actively addressing change
- ESG-Umsetzung in Liechtenstein: Ein Regulierungsdschungel?
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Foundation / “Stiftung”
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Establishment / “Anstalt”
- Overview of the Liechtenstein trust
- Overview of the Liechtenstein Ltd. / AG
- Overview of the Swiss Ltd. / AG
- Overview of the Swiss LLC / GmbH
- New data protection legislation – experiences with implementation
- New FINMA circular “Operational risks and resilience”
- La Suisse reporte la mise en œuvre du concept d'impôt minimum de l'OCDE / Pillar Two
- Pillar 3a maximum deductions in tax year 2024 - No increase in deductions
- Switzerland abolishes industrial tariffs as of 1.1.2024
- Dealing with Artificial Intelligence in a Regulated Environment
- The new ESG guidelines of the SBA - Can they also be applied to asset managers?
- Berne Financial Services Agreement – the United Kingdom moves closer
- Tax-recognized interest rates for advances or loans 2024
- Global Anti-Base Erosion Model Rules (GloBE) Pillar 2 - Swiss top-up tax
- The Berne Financial Services Agreement: New Opportunities for Swiss and UK Financial Institutions
- The planned AMLA revision at a glance
- Stumbling blocks of the VAT rate increase
- The new L-QIF at a glance
- Tax-Recognized Interest Rates for Receivables and Liabilities in Liechtenstein - 2024
- Audit of a cloud-based IT environment
- Financial restructuring: Claiming the CHF 10m Swiss stamp tax exemption threshold
- The amendments of the CISO at a glance
- Auditing sustainable finance providers
- Latest developments in EU Anti-money laundering legislation
- Draft of the new FinSA Circular - Specification of the duties of conduct
- Transparency register of beneficial owners and further developments in the fight against money laundering
- ESG/Sustainable Finance - avoiding greenwashing
- FINMA specifies practice on stablecoins
- Cyber attacks - FINMA calls for increased cyber risk measures at supervised institutions
- Risk management of fund management companies and managers of collective assets: Overview of FINMA Guidance 04/2024
- M&A transactions: Indirect partial liquidation theory could trigger tax indemnification of seller by the buyer.
- Swiss withholding tax: Limitation period for tax evasion. Indemnification in M&A transactions.
- M&A transactions: Hidden profit distribution. A simulated loan issue at the level of a Swiss target company could trigger adverse Swiss tax consequences for the buyer.
- Sale of own shares – leading decision of the Federal Supreme Court
- GloBE – Income Inclusion Rule applies as of 2025
- GloBE – La règle d’inclusion des revenus s’applique dès 2025
- Financial Transfers within a Municipality Are Not Subsidies
- Challenges for audit firms in auditing AI-enabled business models
- Transfer pricing – comprehensive policy paper of the tax administration
- Framework conditions for data disclosure abroad
- Revaluation of Real Estate in the Canton of Zurich 2026
- Swiss withholding tax: Due date of hidden profit distributions
- Partial revision of VAT 2025: important changes for companies
- Retroactive buy-in in pillar 3a
- Mandatory registration for online platforms from 2025
- Geneva Citizens approved the reform of personal income taxation in Geneva
- Sanctions/embargoes on FINMA’s risk monitor – a compliance challenge for financial institutions
- FINMA brings new FinSA circular into force - Overview of the most important changes
- Double taxation agreement between Switzerland and India: Suspension of the most-favoured-nation clause
- VAT Health Check - Ensuring Compliance and Optimizing Processes
- Tax-recognized interest rates for advances or loans 2025
- Waivers of claims by shareholders: The accounting treatment is decisive for the exemption from Swiss corporate income tax.
- Risks associated with the use of artificial intelligence in the financial market - and how these can be identified, limited and controlled
- Private Markets: Regulatorische Anforderungen und Chancen nach Einführung des L-QIF
- Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation - Need for action for Swiss financial intermediaries
- Financial Due Diligence: An essential step in the M&A process
- The Federal Council wants to ratify the Council of Europe's AI Convention What challenges will the financial sector face?
- Services
Meet our people
- Tobias Bader
- Baumann Stephan
- Bruno Baur
- Nina Beutler
- Christian Bögli
- Lina Boussaha
- Veronika Britt
- Roman Broder
- Erich Bucher
- Marlene Bundi
- Marco Callà
- Hermann Caspers
- Diran Chichmanian
- Joanna Deneuve
- Dario Dietsche
- Chloé Doisy
- Mathias Eggenberger
- Khaled Elfeshawey
- Eugster Markus
- Cátia Fernandez
- Fischer Yves
- Aude Foltzer
- Charles Forichon
- Pascal Furger
- Janine Fussenegger
- Marco Gagliardi
- Yves Gmür
- Henning Goeck
- Sandra Grob
- Thomas Haueter
- Anthony Haug
- Nina Helbling
- Moritz Herbst
- Judith Herold
- Julien Hespeler
- Daniel Hilbe
- Boris Hofer
- Hofer Matthias
- Benjamin Hoop
- Thomas Hulmann
- Egon Hutter
- Mohamed Kadri
- Alica Köb
- Florian Koch
- Fabian Kunz
- Olivier Künzler
- Bernhard Lauri
- Lenherr Patrick
- Leyla Luthiger
- Mirko Macri
- Gesa Mannigel
- Jonathan Markus
- Rainer Marxer
- Claudia Meneghetti
- Michael Merz
- Marco Moret
- Mathias Müller
- Denise Neff
- Sandra Nett
- Sébastien Nicolas
- Dennis Nünlist-Vicente
- Christopher Oehri
- Clarisse Plantade
- Christian Reichert
- Aurelian Reisner
- Anael Rosalen
- Reto Ruesch
- Philippe Ruggli
- Rita Schaeppi Lufi
- Christina Schibli
- Fabian Schmid
- Lisa Schöffler
- Nicole Schwarzenbach
- Matthew Stehrenberger
- Christoph Termin
- Michael Tobler
- Catherine Tornare-Cottet
- Helen Traore
- Marco Valenti
- Jérôme Vonlaufen
- Philippe Weyermann
- Michèle Wick Troller
- Thomas Wirth
- Marc Zampieri
- About us
- Career opportunities
- Locations