Audit Industry, Services, Institutions
More security, more trust: Audit services for national and international business clients
Audit Financial Services
More security, more trust: Audit services for banks and other financial companies
Corporate Tax
National and international tax consulting and planning
Individual Tax
Individual Tax
Indirect Tax/VAT
Our services in the area of value-added tax
Transfer Pricing
Our transfer pricing services.
M&A Tax
Advice throughout the transaction and deal cycle
Tax Financial Services
Our tax services for financial service providers.
Advisory IT & Digitalisation
Generating security with IT.
Forensic Services
Nowadays, the investigation of criminal offences in companies increasingly involves digital data and entire IT systems.
Regulatory & Compliance Financial Services
Advisory services in financial market law and sustainable finance.
Mergers & Acquisitions / Transaction Services
Successfully handling transactions with good advice.
Legal Services
Experts in commercial law.
Trust Services
We are there for you.
Business Risk Services
Sustainable growth for your company.
IFRS Services
Die Rechnungslegung nach den International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) und die Finanzberichterstattung stehen ständig vor neuen Herausforderungen durch Gesetzgeber, Regulierungsbehörden und Gremien. Einige IFRS-Rechnungslegungsthemen sind so komplex, dass sie generell schwer zu handhaben sind.
Grant Thornton Switzerland Liechtenstein has been an official sales partner of Abacus Business Software since 2020.
Accounting Services
We keep accounts for you.
Payroll Services
Leave your payroll accounting to us.
Real Estate Management
Leave the management of your real estate to us.
Career with an apprenticeship?!
From January 2020, Grant Thornton Switzerland/Liechtenstein will strengthen its tax resources in western Switzerland as Markus Hertel will become the senior partner for business clients in the region and will further expand and develop this service line.
After graduating as a tax expert in 2002, Markus Hertel successfully held a number of management positions in several tax consulting firms, many years of which at a Big4 in western Switzerland. His work focuses on international corporate tax law, reorganisations and M&A transactions.
Mr Hertel is also an active member of various relevant professional associations, e.g. he is a member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of the Swiss Association of Certified Tax Experts (SVDS) and a member of the Ordre Romand des Experts-fiscaux (OREF). His professional background and active involvement in the respective industry associations in western Switzerland make him ideally suited to further develop the corporate tax sector in French-speaking Switzerland on a sustainable basis for Grant Thornton Switzerland/Liechtenstein.
"The arrival of Markus Hertel as a new partner will enable us to provide our international business clients in western Switzerland with local tax services in a more targeted manner. Our existing tax team in Geneva will be further strengthened and substantially supplemented in the area of corporate tax; this reflects our growth strategy," explains Dr Stephan Baumann, Head of the Service Line Tax at Grant Thornton Switzerland/Liechtenstein.