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Christian Bögli - Portrait
Partner - Audit Financial Services

Christian Bögli

Christian Bögli is a partner of Grant Thornton AG in Zurich.

Professional experience

Christian Bögli worked for more than 10 years as an auditor at various firms, including a Big 4 company in Switzerland. He has worked for Grant Thornton AG since 2010 and since 2011 has been a partner and auditor responsible for banks, securities firms and asset managers of collective capital investments. His focus is on auditing mandates regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as an internal and external audit firm, as well as companies in the crypto sector. 

Professional qualifications and memberships

Christian Bögli completed his licentiate in Economics at the University of Zurich (lic.oec.publ.). He is a certified accountant and an auditing expert recognised by the Swiss Federal Audit Oversight Authority (FAOA).

Furthermore, he holds the special legal authorizations for auditing banks and securities firms, collective investment schemes, asset managers of collective investment schemes, representatives of foreign collective investment schemes, and FinTech companies. 

Christian Bögli is a member of EXPERTsuisse.


In addition to his mother tongue German, Christian Bögli speaks fluent English.


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  • Licentiate in Economics
  • Certified accountant
  • Auditing expert
Christian Bögli - Portrait
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Christian Bögli
Partner - Audit Financial Services
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