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Portrait - Janine Fussenegger
Senior Manager – Trust Services

Janine Fussenegger

Janine Fussenegger is a senior manager in the Trust Services service line in Liechtenstein. 

Professional experience

Janine has been with Grant Thornton for around 20 years. After studying business administration, she gained initial professional experience as a project manager in an advertising agency. She then joined ReviTrust as an assistant to the management, where she was responsible for management support, IT, marketing, compliance, the management system and various projects.

She has been advising clients in the trust team since 2019, where she is also responsible for compliance issues.

Professional qualifications and memberships

Janine Fussenegger holds a degree in economics (lic.oec. HSG).


In addition to her mother tongue German, Janine Fussenegger speaks fluent English and has basic knowledge of French and Spanish.


Download CV PDF [ 137 kb ]

  • lic.oec. HSG
Portrait - Janine Fussenegger
Get in touch
Janine Fussenegger
Senior Manager – Trust Services
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