VAT Health Check - Ensuring Compliance and Optimizing Processes

Dr. Matthias Hofer
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A VAT Health Check ensures that a company’s value-added tax obligations are correctly fulfilled and associated compliance risks are minimized. The analysis identifies potential weaknesses in VAT processes and classifications, offering opportunities to optimize and reduce risks while achieving more efficient tax management.

A key advantage of the VAT Health Check is the identification of unnecessary tax burdens, which can improve the company’s overall tax position. This approach helps to preserve financial resources while minimizing the risk of tax reassessments and penalties. The structured methodology includes a review of internal processes and the classification of transactions to identify optimization potential.

By detecting potential risks early, costly corrections and sanctions from tax authorities can be avoided. Clear and comprehensible reporting provides transparency regarding the company’s VAT situation and establishes a reliable foundation for decision-making. The VAT Health Check contributes to strengthening tax processes and ensuring sustainable compliance.

The combination of expertise and a structured approach guarantees a comprehensive improvement in VAT management.

Grant Thornton Switzerland and Liechtenstein supports companies in ensuring legally compliant and VAT-compliant processes. With extensive experience in tax matters, we deliver practical recommendations that can be implemented immediately. For further information, we are happy to assist.